
discord_http.context module

class discord_http.context.Context(bot: Client, data: dict)[source]

Bases: object

property cooldown: Cooldown | None

Optional[Cooldown] Returns the context cooldown

property created_at: datetime

datetime Returns the time the interaction was created

async delete_original_response() None[source]

Delete the original response to the interaction

async edit_original_response(*, content: str | None = <MISSING>, embed: ~discord_http.embeds.Embed | None = <MISSING>, embeds: list[~discord_http.embeds.Embed] | None = <MISSING>, view: ~discord_http.view.View | None = <MISSING>, attachment: ~discord_http.file.File | None = <MISSING>, attachments: list[~discord_http.file.File] | None = <MISSING>, allowed_mentions: ~discord_http.mentions.AllowedMentions | None = <MISSING>) Message[source]

Message Edit the original response to the interaction

property expires_at: datetime

datetime Returns the time the interaction expires

property followup: Webhook

Webhook Returns the followup webhook object

is_expired() bool[source]

bool Returns whether the interaction is expired

async original_response() Message[source]

Message Returns the original response to the interaction

property response: InteractionResponse

InteractionResponse Returns the response to the interaction

class discord_http.context.InteractionResponse(parent: Context)[source]

Bases: object

defer(ephemeral: bool = False, thinking: bool = False, call_after: Callable | None = None) DeferResponse[source]

Defer the response to the interaction

  • ephemeral (bool) – If the response should be ephemeral (show only to the user)

  • thinking (bool) – If the response should show the “thinking” status

  • call_after (Optional[Callable]) – A coroutine to run after the response is sent


The response to the interaction

Return type:



TypeError – If call_after is not a coroutine

edit_message(*, content: str | None = <MISSING>, embed: ~discord_http.embeds.Embed | None = <MISSING>, embeds: list[~discord_http.embeds.Embed] | None = <MISSING>, view: ~discord_http.view.View | None = <MISSING>, attachment: ~discord_http.file.File | None = <MISSING>, attachments: list[~discord_http.file.File] | None = <MISSING>, allowed_mentions: ~discord_http.mentions.AllowedMentions | None = <MISSING>, call_after: ~typing.Callable | None = None) MessageResponse[source]

Edit the original message of the interaction

  • content (Optional[str]) – Content of the message

  • embed (Optional[Embed]) – Embed to edit the message with

  • embeds (Optional[list[Embed]]) – Multiple embeds to edit the message with

  • view (Optional[View]) – Components to include in the message

  • attachment (Optional[File]) – New file to edit the message with

  • attachments (Optional[Union[list[File], File]]) – Multiple new files to edit the message with

  • allowed_mentions (Optional[AllowedMentions]) – Allowed mentions for the message

  • call_after (Optional[Callable]) – A coroutine to run after the response is sent


The response to the interaction

Return type:


  • ValueError

    • If both embed and embeds are passed - If both attachment and attachments are passed

  • TypeError – If call_after is not a coroutine

pong() dict[source]

Only used to acknowledge a ping from Discord Developer portal Interaction URL

send_autocomplete(choices: dict[Any, str]) AutocompleteResponse[source]

Send an autocomplete response to the interaction


choices (dict[Union[str, int, float], str]) – The choices to send


The response to the interaction

Return type:




  • If choices is not a dict - If choices is not a dict[Union[str, int, float], str]

send_message(content: str | None = <MISSING>, *, embed: ~discord_http.embeds.Embed | None = <MISSING>, embeds: list[~discord_http.embeds.Embed] | None = <MISSING>, file: ~discord_http.file.File | None = <MISSING>, files: list[~discord_http.file.File] | None = <MISSING>, ephemeral: bool | None = False, view: ~discord_http.view.View | None = <MISSING>, tts: bool | None = False, type: ~discord_http.enums.ResponseType | int = 4, allowed_mentions: ~discord_http.mentions.AllowedMentions | None = <MISSING>, poll: ~discord_http.message.Poll | None = <MISSING>, call_after: ~typing.Callable | None = None) MessageResponse[source]

Send a message to the interaction

  • content (Optional[str]) – Content of the message

  • embed (Optional[Embed]) – The embed to send

  • embeds (Optional[list[Embed]]) – Multiple embeds to send

  • file (Optional[File]) – A file to send

  • files (Optional[Union[list[File], File]]) – Multiple files to send

  • ephemeral (bool) – If the message should be ephemeral (show only to the user)

  • view (Optional[View]) – Components to include in the message

  • tts (bool) – Whether the message should be sent using text-to-speech

  • type (Optional[ResponseType]) – The type of response to send

  • allowed_mentions (Optional[AllowedMentions]) – Allowed mentions for the message

  • call_after (Optional[Callable]) – A coroutine to run after the response is sent


The response to the interaction

Return type:


  • ValueError

    • If both embed and embeds are passed - If both file and files are passed

  • TypeError – If call_after is not a coroutine

send_modal(modal: Modal, *, call_after: Callable | None = None) ModalResponse[source]

Send a modal to the interaction

  • modal (Modal) – The modal to send

  • call_after (Optional[Callable]) – A coroutine to run after the response is sent


The response to the interaction

Return type:




  • If modal is not a Modal instance - If call_after is not a coroutine